The library collects publications on art and culture policy and the social aspects of art and culture, with an emphasis on the Netherlands and Europe. The collection contains more than 85.000 titles.
In addition to books and journals, the collection also includes policy documents, parliamentary documents, reports, dissertations, theses, statistics, newspaper clippings, public surveys and journal articles. Most of the collection is digitally available. If copyright-free, digital documents can also be consulted at home.
In the library you will find information about: amateur art, copyright, archeology policy, archive policy, architecture policy, visual art policy, library policy, cultural labor market, cultural participation, cultural diversity, cultural management, cultural participation, cultural tourism, creative industry, heritage policy, film policy, international cultural policy, art education, art criticism , art management, art and culture sponsorship, art and economics, artists, art education, literature policy, monument policy, museum policy, music policy, performing arts policy, theater policy and much more.
The library participates in the network of Amsterdam libraries AdamNet.