Since April 2018, the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends is housed at the Boekman Foundation. The foundation facilitates the work of this European joint venture behind the website and will ensure that the online platform for promotion and exchange of cultural policy is refreshed and updated.
More than fifty independent authors from 43 European countries are participating in the Compendium. They map the developments within their national cultural policy on the platform, which enables users to compare the information in many different ways.
Since its founding in 1998, the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends has been coordinated from the European Institute for Comparative Cultural Research, ERICarts, in Bonn. From 2018, the Compendium has become an association that is facilitated from the Boekman Foundation.
From January 2021 onwards, the Boekman Foundation will handover the management and coordination of the Compendium to the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V. (KuPoGe) in Germany.