Op woensdag 17 mei vertelt Lyudmilla Petrova over haar onderzoek The Value-based Approach (VBA): an innovative method to evaluate cultural and creative spillovers as applied to two case studies in the Netherlands and Italy.
Lyudmilla Petrova heeft samen met professor Arjo Klamer en Dorottya Kiss een innovatieve methode ontwikkeld om de culturele en creatieve spill-over effecten te meten op het gebied van economische, sociale en cultureel toegevoegde waarde.
In de reeks Waarde van Cultuur zal ze de methode, genoemd Value-Based Approach, toelichten en de resultaten tonen aan de hand van twee case-studies.
De lezing is in het engels.
The recent transition towards a ‘new’ economy and the rise of both the ‘knowledge-based economy’ and the ‘creative class’ call for repositioning the cultural and the creative industries (CCIs) across the economy and society. In practice, the emergence of new types of CCIs interventions all over Europe, marked by close collaborations, cross-fertilization and mutual learning with creatives (artists, designers, architects, scientists, etc.) change very much the landscape of innovation, by encouraging greater openness and inclusiveness across sectors and disciplines. These spillover effects include effects related to social and cultural practices.
Despite the recent interest in the topic of CCI spillovers, these industries are actually still on the margin of research and innovation (economic and social) policies. Very little is known about the actual place of arts, design and media within the contemporary innovation system and about the mechanisms of transferring their positive effects elsewhere.
This research aims at finding a way to comprehend the complexity of the practices of open innovation, co-creation and cross-fertilization which of CCI spillovers entail. In light of this, there is a clear need for more comprehensive evaluation/assessment of their contribution to the innovative forces and to the social and cultural qualities of the economy and the society.
The method Value-Based Approach (VBA) can evaluate/assess in a systematic way the CCI spillover effects by considering their multiple contributions in terms of economic, social and cultural added values. The approach combines qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. As opposed to traditional output evaluation methods, this method explicitly uses stakeholders’ perspectives on the quality (value) changes they experience. It surpasses existing methods by differentiating between what various stakeholders value and what they experience.
The VBA was tested in different sectors, namely design and performing arts, and in different (national) contexts, i.e. Italy and the Netherlands.
The project received financial support from the European Research Partnership on Cultural and Creative Spillovers, for the evaluation of the case study in the Netherlands.
Authors: L. Petrova, MA (CREARE/Erasmus University), prof. A. Klamer (Erasmus University), D. Kiss, MA (Het Atelier/Erasmus University)
Lyudmila Petrova is a research associate and a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Economics at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. She is also a Director at the Summer School in Cultural Economics with the Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Economics (CREARE). She is an active member (publishing and presenting) of the cultural economics community. She teaches and does research on cultural industry and social innovation, financing of arts, creativity and innovation, and international cultural policy. Since 2013, she has been a member of the academic research team, which designed the methodology “The Value-Based Approach” and undertook its implementation as an (e)valuation tool for the European Cultural Foundation (NL ) and S-Nodi (IT).
Datum: Woensdag 17 mei 2017
Tijd: 16.00 – 18.00 uur
Toegang: gratis, maar aanmelden is noodzakelijk i.v.m. een beperkt aantal plaatsen.
Voertaal: Engels