Experiences in the Arts, Heritage and Cultural Industries in Europe
Focusing the cultural political debate in Europe (P.B. Boorsma, A. van Hemel, N. van der Wielen)
Foreword (C. Bodo, Th.H. Adams, V. Boltho)
Privatizing the muse `and all that jazz’ (P.B. Boorsma)
Rethinking the state’s role: privatization, economics and cultural policy (D. Throsby)
Beyond privatization: the hybridization of museums and the built heritage (J. Mark Schuster)
De-monopolizing culture: privatization and culture in 23 European countries (C. Smithuijsen)
The contradictions of désétatisation: museums in France (F. Benhamou)
Traditional policy tools and new incentives: built heritage in Greece (E. Karpodini-Dimitriadi)
The shotgun wedding of opera and industry: opera houses in Italy (U. Bacchella)
Who laughs last…: film and broadcasting in Hungary (M. Gálik)
Unbinding books: publishing in the Czech Republic (J. þmjkalová)
The conflicts between profits and politics: cultural industries in Europe (K. Razlogov)
Unlike airlines and phone companies: performing arts in Europe (D. Klaic)
Mixed economy and culture: Britain’s experience (S. Creigh-Tyte)
Conclusions (P.B. Boorsma, A. van Hemel, N. van der Wielen)